The platform seeks to secure SaaS, web, IoT APIs and micro-services to help developers improve their API definitions.
API security firm 42Crunch have launched a cloud-based security platform to help developers discover anomalies in the environment. With this launch, 42Crunch will be protecting SaaS, web and IoT platforms along with micro-services like container systems to improve API definitions and access the full 42Crunch Platform.
According to 42Crunch, a traditional approach in web application security requires customers to use a combination of products like WAF (Web Application Firewall), SAST (Static Application Security Testing) and DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing). They say that these products can be used to address a variety of security concerns at different stages of the application life cycle.
However, taking these various approaches disallows the cloud or the IT environment to operate, consolidate and deploy applications as required. Hence, to overcome these issues, 42Crunch unveiled a cloud platform that will allow them to be API-centric and work together towards monitoring security policies.
Jacques Declas, CEO and founder at 42Crunch states that their experience in application security and integration indicated that security is one of the biggest challenges. He claims that by launching the cloud platform, companies will be able to secure their apps and data in a much more holistic manner.
Market experts opine that this launch will allow developers to breathe a sigh of relief and focus on the performance of their web applications. With this launch, one cannot wait to see how developers make the most of the 42Crunch Platform, especially after Sophos acquired Avid Secure for cloud security.